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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This page provides information about COVID-19 to the public and to the institutions we regulate. For general information about the pandemic, we encourage you to consult the following resources:

Since March 2020, we have been encouraging Farm Credit System institutions to work with borrowers affected by the pandemic and the measures taken to contain it (see March 17 news release (PDF)). We continue to encourage them to do so. Also, we can provide some temporary regulatory relief as they manage the operational challenges created by the pandemic. We communicate with them regularly to provide guidance and assistance.

We will update this page as more information and resources become available. We also encourage you to visit our Paycheck Protection Program webpage.

For information about the measures we are taking to keep our own employees safe during the pandemic, see the FCA COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan (PDF).

Paycheck Protection Program Application form

Page updated: September 21, 2022